As a refresher the core goal of the project idea was: pick a random TV series from those available and play the first (from a chronological perspective) unwatched episode and persist this watched/unwatched information
- Add directories to scan on refreshes
- Directories are assumed to be have the following structure:
- drive:\path\to\dir\<show name>\<any or no season organization -- this is optional>\*S##E##*.<valid video extension>
- Or for your *nix people: /path/to/dir/<show name>/<any or no season organization -- this is optional>*S##E##*.<valid video extension>
- Where S##E## is the season number and episode number -- all my ripped box sets have been ripped and named to this format precisely so I can make easy assumptions like this
- You can accomplish the above pretty easily using something like the renamer
- For you *nix people I stumbled across this:
- If you're brave you could just update the threadedIndex function to use assumptions that are valid for your organization system, but obviously I cannot promise that won't break anything else (but hey, it's Python, it shouldn't be too hard, right?).
- Look for new content on your added drives on demand
- Track what episodes have been watched
- Mass unwatch / watch episodes in a series
- Blacklist series (so they won't show up on subsequent refreshes)
- Create 'channels'
- To start with you have an irremovable channel called 'Default' (very imaginative, I know) which contains all your shows, you can add new channels by using the bottom channel bar and hitting 'Add'
- You can give your added channel a custom name and add your desired series to it
- A series can belong to multiple channels
- If you watch an episode in one channel it will be reflected as watched in all channels
- Save your current episode and position in the episode per channel
- If you change channels your episode / position in the first channel is saved
- If you later go back to that first channel (assuming you didn't watch the episode you were on already) it will resume the episode from where you left off -- basically every channel persists its state
- Skip to the next show without marking the current episode as watched, want to watch this episode just not right now? The next button is for you :)
- Mark an episode as watched and skip to the next (the big eye button does this) if you just watched this episode the other day (say on actual television) you can just skip it and mark it as watched, no harm no foul
- Automatically start VLC with the proper http interface enabled
- This app requires an http interface be active since this is what it uses to communicate with VLC, so if it finds that VLC is not running, or at least no instance with http active, it will try to find VLC and then run it with --extraintf oldhttp (and it will tell vlc to never repair avi indexes -- since this can cause a bad workflow loop)
- Automatically mark an episode as watched once you get through 90+% of it
And that's pretty much the extent of what the app does. It's filled with a few assumptions about the way I have things organized to make things simpler -- but I can do that since my girlfriend and I are the primary users. Below is a screen shot of the culmination of my efforts. It's nothing too terribly advanced but right now it does exactly what I set out to do and I'm pretty happy with it. I haven't released it anywhere yet -- I'm not even certain if anyone would be interested in it, but if anyone is I'd be happy to share.
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TV Emu 0.4 for VLC Please note, I own the Reno 911 box set s and ripped them to digital format for my own htpc use . (Read: Don't sue me.) |
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