It's not extremely apparent upon first glance and if you don't read the documentation carefully you may, as I did, stumble on blindly expecting to be able to hack in ListCtrl in ListBox's place. But this is simply not the case. To start with, you can't attach an object reference to an item, rather, you can only assign a Long id. Now this makes it possible to store data, but you've now added overhead, and additional data objects to keep track of in your code, and if you're using multiple ListCtrl objects as I did, forget about it!
Abstraction is the key here, so I created a wrapper for ListCtrl which makes it act much like ListBox, but with all the pretty options that come along with it, such as icons, colors, etc.
The best way to learn is by example, I feel, so here you'll find the wrapper class that I wrote for AnyBackup
Now this wrapper has some parts that are quite specific to my application, so don't expect to be able to just drop it in sans modification to your program, but it can give you a good idea of what you need to do to make ListCtrl be what you want!
Let's walk through the main functions and explain their... well, function.
- GetSelectedData - this function does exactly what you think it'd do, it looks for the currently selected row and then gets the Long id for this row, and finally it grabs the previously set object reference from the storage hash and voila, transparently you've gotten an object ref for your selected row without ever dealing with the long id!
- Note: This example wrapper specifies a ListCtrl which only accepts single selections, you could change this option, but then this function would have to be modified to return an array of object references.
- populateDrives - this function is a great example of what you'd need to modify. It takes an array of object references and grabs their names for display strings in the ListCtrl and then stashes the object refs themselves in the storage hash, mapping them with the long id.
- DeleteAllItems -- this acts like and behaves just like ListCtrl's DeleteAllItems. It delets all the items for your contained ListCtrl object and it clears out the stoarge hash and support variables in your easyListCtrl object
- InsertItem - this is where a lot of the magic happens, it takes a string (item) and an object ref (data) and maps the data to an id, and then adds the string to the ListCtrl object
- GetData - this allows you to pass an arbitrary item (string) and get it's stored data back, should that item exist, anyway.
- adjust - this function exists purely for adjusting the width of a ListCtrl object after deleting or adding items. The problem is that ListCtrl doesn't take care of this for you! If you just add items and leave it to its own devices, you'll end up with a ListCtrl which has strangely narrow columns which cut off your strings,which is most likely not what you were going for, this function will automatically resize the column to the length of the longest row, so no data will be cut off and the ListCtrl object will be wrapped, if needed, in a scrollbox.
- getListCtrl - this allows you to grab the wrapped ListCtrl object, important when it comes time to adding the object to a frame and/or sizer
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